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Busy September with great results

By 27. september 2021No Comments

September 27th, 2021

Busy September with great results

Everyday life is back at Future Dressage after a months of Covid-19 restricted competitions and maternal leave for Anna. September came with great results for both her and Josefine Hoffmann.

In the beginning of September, Anna and Addict competed at Vilhelmsborg and came in second in both Grand Prix and Grand Prix Special, and Anna was very satisfied with this result.

“We went there to practice, and we succeeded with a lot of the stuff we had been practicing at home. Addict’s challenge is to stay concentrated and not get too nervous when he is “on stage” – sometimes I can almost feel his heartbeat through the saddle that is how tense he gets. During warm up he is not nervous at all, but entering the arena he is totally different. But we are working on it and he did a great job at Vilhelmsborg,” Anna says.

Two horses ready for the young horse championship final

Meanwhile Josefine qualified both Alegra (six) and Unna (four) for the young horse championship final. Alegra qualified directly as the winner with a score of 84,8%, while Unna was placed 7th at first, but later on qualified as the winner with a score of 82,6%. That means that Future Dressage will be represented twice at the final at Blue Hors in November.

6th place in spite eye injury

Josefine also went to the Under 25 European Championships in Hagen, Germany this month with her long time companion Hønnerups Driver. But their preparations was disrupted by an eye injury on Driver who had an accident back home sending him to a clinic in Germany, where he got eye surgery and had to stay there for observation for a month. Despite not having the proper conditions for preparing for the tournament, Josefine and 17 year old Driver made the best Danish result in U25 ending up as number 6 in the final.

Rock Star shined in Aachen 

Last but not least Anna competed in Aachen this month, scoring 73,935% and a second place in Grand Prix, and 75,064% and a third place in Grand Prix Special.

“I was surprised that we did good enough to be placed like that. But we did have some great rides and I was all high afterwords. I know, Rock Star can manage to shine at this level, but it all has to come together in the ring, and he did it. I am so happy that all our hard work pays off and it keeps me motivated to go even further with Rock Star,” Anna says.

Next up for the two is the World Cup qualification in Herning, Denmark in October, and Addict will hopefully be there too and start in CDI3*.

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