October 21st, 2016
Vicky makes a clean sweap in Odense
Anna and Vicky found the melody and scored four times 10.
This week, the finals of the National championships for young horses have been held in Odense, Denmark.
Despite winning the qualification on Wednesday night with a total score of 9.56, Anna still felt that there was room for improvement, as Vicky got a bit tense with the surroundings in the large arena. The tension affected walk and parades, however, the trot and canter tour were spotless.
Today, as the second last to go in the class, the pair put in a textbook performance; “I am over the moon with out test today! I have never tried anything like that! The way she is able to “change gears” and just follows me in there, without making any single mistake. she is such a pleasure to ride,” says Anna, who was all smiles as she received the marks from the judges after the test. In addition to praising Vicky for her gaits, the judges found that Vicky is “a horse without any weaknesses, and she is ridden in the form that one would like to see a 5-year-old horse”.
Vicky was rewarded with 10 for trot, 9 for walk, and 10 for canter, rideability and capacity, resulting is a well deserved victory in the finals of the Danish championships for 5-year-old horses with a total score of 9.8.
“I am really looking forward to continue the education of Vicky, but first she will get a well-deserved time of,” concludes Anna, who also brought her 7-year-old Fürstenstein (with the nickname Sten) to the show. Saturday and Sunday, he will get his debut in international small tour.